Wandering in realWorld - a visual inquiery into relations
Acryl on cotton 2003 - 2019© Jan Abrahim Vos, Rotterdam |
Me & Mother 130x140cmDe spanning tussen dekwetsbaarheid van absolute hulpeloosheid en de kracht van totale overgave Wie geeft? Wie neemt? The tension between the vulnerability of absolute helplessness and the strength of total surrender Who is the one that gives? Who that takes? |
Me & Father 130x140cmDe verlatenheid van deniet gespiegelde ziel en de afwending van de heilige aanwezigheid Vader, waar zijt gij? The desolation of the unmirrored soul and the turning away from the holy presence Father, where art Thou? |
Me & Other 130x140cmwind, ruimte dragendeen wiel, draaiend onbeweeglijk, stil de herinnering aan geluid het geluid van zoete kinderstemmen spelend, dansend liefde, jij een lied, eeuwig in het nu verstervend uit het nu geboren een onophoudend ja Ja wind, carrying space a wheel turning immobile, silent the memory of sound the sound of sweet children's voices playing, dancing love, you a song, forever dying forever being born in the now a relentless yes Yes |
Me & Myself 130x140cmand when the man is enlightenedhe will not be wise he will not be brilliant he will not be the master when I meet the wise man I will bow my head when I meet the brilliant man I will bow my head when I meet the enlightened man I will stand face to face for he is what he is and I am what I am and all that is created is created by the pure force that makes us alive we are passengers, temporally witnessing an endless stream of miracles mistakenly perceived as a material world when I will stand face to face with the man I will know that it is not me who is in control that I cannot shape the present with any effort that is it not me who is living life I will know that life is living me |
Life & Death 120x190cmConstantly creation ishappening Forms are being born out of forms Appearing and dissapearing at the same time |